The weather in Ventura Marina these past months has been spectacular, warm days and cool evenings, mostly clear skies with a touch of breeze that awakens from the east before shifting westerly.
Our expeditionary effort to prepare our vessel is progressing with little interference. We hope to depart southward around November 4 (no promises!), pulling into the Southern California marinas that inhabit the coastline between Ventura and the Mexican boarder.
Today and tomorrow, we make open our boat to family, friends, and neighbors; many who have not yet seen Kandu. Leslie sent out the “Open Boat” invitation last week and many responded affirmatively. So with extra special attention, we’re swabbing Kandu’s hull and decks.
Last night the Baja Ha-ha committee emailed information about the paperwork needed to properly enter Mexico. Before arriving, we’ll need Mexican liability insurance and at least one fishing license ($42/yr). Upon arrival in a port of entry (which will likely be Ensenada now that we’re no longer in the race to get down to Cabo), from the military bank, Banjercito, we will have to purchase a $50 Temporary Import Permit for the boat, listing our more expensive contents (make, model, serial number), good for 10 years (if you don’t replace anything). Each crewmember will need a $20 tourist visa (FMM Visitor Card) and the boat owner must provide several copies of a crew list in Spanish with passport numbers, etc., for approval. We must also be prepared to show the original copy of the boat’s U.S. documentation (proof of ownership and registry).
“Are you excited?” a question I often get asked and will likely be asked today as we talk about our plans. Being less than a month away from departure, it’s reasonable to assume that I would be. But I am not. I am so focused on getting the requisite tasks completed that I do not afford myself the pleasure of anticipated joy, fearing that daydreaming may in some way interfere/distract me from the pressing goal at hand. I’m eating my vegetables while blocking thoughts of dessert, knowing that at the other side of the table a menu of great desserts awaits. Although Kandu is not yet fully loaded with all her purchased bells and whistles (working on it!), this morning, as another beautiful sunrise melts the evening sky, I look forward to introducing our friends to the self-contained fiberglass vessel that will be our floating spaceship-home for the next five years (mas o menos), . . . I am excited about that.