Yesterday, Tuesday, December 16 2014, was my last day of school for a very long time. It was really emotional for my brother, Trent and me. We both attended Cabrillo Middle School in Ventura, California. My main feeling leaving Cabrillo was about not being able to hang out with the kids I enjoy hanging out with at school and knowing that there was a good chance I might not see them ever again. The other predominant concern was about leaving behind a normal school life for five years; because I think education is one of the most important things in life if you want to thrive instead of survive. When I grow up, I hope to go to a good college like UCLA and then become a builder. Saying good-bye yesterday, it was a very hard day for both of us, for many reasons.
Before yesterday, my final day, I hadn’t realized how hard it was actually going to be to say good-bye. Telling the teachers and staff at school that the day was my last, I felt freed and relieved from all the major coursework and homework of six periods a day.

Some of the teachers were hard to say good-bye to and some were a piece of cake. My woodshop teacher, Mr. Lehman, was the hardest above all the teachers to bid my farewell. Woodshop was my favorite class. I loved making projects out of wood and shaping wood into many things. Because of my woodshop experience, when I grow up I think I would like to build houses. The saddest feeling was leaving my friends and the many other great relationships that I’d made these past eighteen months at Cabrillo. As a result of our sailing trip, I am going to miss the experience of going to a school dance or participating in school spirit days, things I will now never get a chance to do. But most of all, I’ll miss creaming my adversaries in daily matches of Kendama!
There are also things that I’m happy about. For instance, I’m glad I won’t have to be so confused, forced to sit in an uncomfortable chair for six hours, excluding the time when I got to hang out with my friends for lunch. One thing I don’t like about the kids in Ventura is that they are a lot more judgmental than my classmates in Los Angeles were. They judge what you wear, act like, how you look, talk, walk, what you do for sports, and almost anything you can think of, including how you do your hair. Back in my hometown of Westchester, the kids didn’t care what you did, what you wore, or how you acted. They just cared about how you flirt with girls and how popular you are. (Just for your information, I was really popular in my LA school.)
My most favorite and least favorite day in Ventura will be the day I left school, the day that I left classrooms behind but the day that my classmates said good-bye. They made me feel appreciated, looked up to, and that I will forever be well remembered. This was a very different experience than that of my last day at El Segundo Middle School, where I left many great friends too. On that day, everyone acted mellow, like my leaving for five years was no big deal. They weren’t as openly selfless as my classmates in Ventura. For this and many other reasons, Cabrillo will always hold a warm place in my heart!!!

Bryce Rigney