Some party favors don’t do favors for our ocean friends. Leaving Alamitos Bay for Dana Point early Tuesday morning, miles off the coast, we noticed several helium deprived polyester balloons resting atop the metallic grey surface. From a distance, their forms resemble hazardous lobster pot buoys. It’s only when getting within 100 yards that we begin to make out the heart-shaped Valentines or the faded Disneyesque birthday wishes painted across the debris’ surface. Bryce, an intrepid thrill-seeker and do-gooder, mounted our dark blue soft-top longboard with bright yellow tow-rope in hand, like a cowboy with a bridle, and swung out to round up the soon-to-be turtle food, a fatal mistake for turtles and any other jellyfish eating marine creature.

There’s not much Kandu can do to stave off the multitude of plastic jellyfish imposters, but on this early overcast morning, Bryce rescued two: an infinitesimally small, but no less noble, effort, in the battle to minimize our harmful impact on this blue marble gem of a spaceship we call Earth, our only home. Good job, Bryce!

Eric Rigney
Hello Rigney’s,
Rest assured, I will be reading the captain’s blog religiuosly. Leslie, discard the old and embrace the new. Bon voyage!
By the way ( based on the photo), if one were to circumscribe a circle about a rectangle, this particular imposter jellyfish is in the fouth quadrant – approximately 330 – 360 degrees.
Haven’t checked in with the “crew” in a few days. Way to go Bryce and the Kandu crew! We are enjoying your blog 🙂
S n P