After 21 days in lovely San Diego Bay and having imbibed various green beverages in celebration of last night’s St. Patrick’s Day*, Kandu and crew are prepared to leave San Diego for Ensenada Friday at 5 a.m. While in Ensenada, we’ll plan our sailing and surfing for the coast of Baja and over to Puerto Vallarta before heading out to the Galapagos. Friday will mark our first international port of call, an important milestone following years of preparation. Hope to have the inReach device working to post our positions for you. Follow as well RigneysKandu on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We’ll do our best to keep you posted. Wish us luck!
*Trent and I took advantage of our last day of having a car and drove into town last night to enjoy some hot wings at Kansas City Barbaque, a restaurant used in the filming of Top Gun.

Eric Rigney
Have n’t talked to you foe a while, does n.t mean you’re not on my mind. Really loved reading Leslie’s blog yesterday with her deep impressions since the days you left Ventura.
Uncle Bill is looking forward to spend some time with you as is friend Joe, I’m sure you’ll be enjoying their company too.I’m having a wonderful time with Samie and darling Oliver in anticipation of anyday’s arrival of little Remy.Much love to all of you and happy sailing, gros bisous <3
Dear Eric, Leslie, Trent and Bryce: So it is then truly “Bon Voyage” and you are slipping free of the “land lines” – all of this with our very best wishes. We love you all and will keep you close in our hearts.
We will be looking in on your blog often. xox, betsyandgary
Ha ha … nothin’ says St. Patty’s like hot wings. Enjoy your last day in the U.S. tomorrow!
Safe journey into Mexico! Don’t ya just love that Kansas City BBQ? We ate there after a trip to the Midway Museum. We loved all the Top Gun memorabilia. Looking forward to hearing about the boys’ surfing adventures in Mexico.
Trevor-Kane misses her beach buddies. She says to say hi to the boys and wants to video chat when/if possible.
Bon chance and bon voyage!!!