Ventura’s friendly and convenient surf scene made getting Trent and Bryce into the sport a natural endeavor. We had previously provided them the “Waikiki” experience when they were very young, surfing in Hawaii on long foam boards with push-offs from the instructor. Twice they had a week of summer camp surf lessons in Ventura, but nothing compares to the surfing experience they’ve had over this past year. It’s made a significant difference in their abilities and in developing their passion for the sport. They currently surf a couple times a week, and frequently more. They have two surfboards and a Boogie board each. Although Leslie and I do not surf (yet?), we’re making surfing a priority on this trip. We’re getting great tips on where to surf in Baja and the Galapagos. At Wood Shop at Cabrillo Middle School, Bryce laminated strips of wood and fashioned them into a beautiful hand-planer. I never saw one before. They are a micro wooden Boogie board that you hold on the hand, extends in front of yourself as you catch a wave, which creates a longer water line, making you go faster with greater accuracy. As you glide through the water with accelerated speed, you take body surfing to another level.