2017-08, Kupang, Timor Island, Eastern Indonesia Kupang was Rigneyskandu’s first introduction to colorful Indonesia. http://www.rigneyskandu.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/IMG_7244.m4v http://www.rigneyskandu.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/IMG_7215.m4v Kupang, Timor, Indonesia; view from Kandu Kupang waterfront view, Timor, Indonesia Kupang, Timor, Indonesia. The Kandu guys: Eric Rigney, Trent Rigney and Bryce Rigney. Bryce Rigney feeding peanuts to macaque monkey, Indonesia. Feeding macaque monkeys, Indonesia. Lokasi Wisata Alam Gua Kristal: Timor Crystal Cave Rainer Dawn, Bryce Rigney and Trent Rigney jumping Oenesu Waterfalls, Kupang Indonesia Local teens at Oenescu Waterfalls, Kupang, Indonesia. Leslie Rigney with local watermelon seller. Kupang Local Market